Preliminary program

8.30-9.00Registration & Coffee
9.00-9.15Conference opening
9.15-10.00Keynote addressPositive Technology: Designing Digital Experiences for Positive Change
- Prof. Andrea Gaggioli, PhD
10.00-11.00Paper session - Health(care), Monitoring and Coaching • Design decisions for a real time, alcohol craving monitoring study using physio- and psychological measures
- Hendrika van Lier, Mira Oberhagemann, Jessica Stroes, Niklas Enewoldsen, Marcel Pieterse, Jan Maarten Schraagen, Marloes Postel, Miriam Vollenbroek-Hutten, Hein de Haan, and Matthijs Noordzij
• Argumentation Schemes for Events Suggestion in an e-Health Platform
- Angelo Costa, Stella Heras, Javier Palanca, Jaume Jordán, Paulo Novais and Vicente Julián
• e-Coaching for Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Requirement Analysis
- Aldert Nooitgedagt, Robbert Jan Beun and Frank Dignum
11.00-11.30Coffee break
11.30-12.10Paper session - Design principles and strategies• Pokémon WALK: Persuasive Effects of Pokémon GO Game-Design Elements
- Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Sandra Trösterer, Artur Lupp, and Manfred Tscheligi
• Why Are Persuasive Strategies Effective? Exploring the Strengths and Weaknesses of Socially-Oriented Persuasive Strategies
- Rita Orji
12.10-12.40Poster pitches
12.40-14.10Lunch break & Poster-, Demo-sessions
14.10-15.10Paper session - Health(care), Monitoring and Coaching • A scoped review of the potential for supportive virtual coaches as adjuncts to self-guided web-based interventions
- Mark Scholten, Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen, and Saskia Kelders
• Augmenting Group Medical Visits with Conversational Agents for Stress Management Behavior Change
- Ameneh Shamekhi, Timothy Bickmore, Anna Lestoquoy and Paula Gardiner
• Letters to medical devices: A case study on the medical device preferences of female adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes
- Gillian M McCarthy, Edgar R Rodríguez Ramírez and Brian Robinson
15.10-15.50Paper session - Motivations, Facilitators and Barriers• – Increasing Energy Awareness using an Interactive Energy Comparison Tool
- Björn Hedin and Jorge Luis Zapico
• Persuasive technology against public nuisance – public urination in the urban nightlife district
- Randy Bloeme, Peter De Vries, Mirjam Galetzka, and Paul van Soomeren
15.50-16.20Coffee break
16.20-17.20Paper session - Design principles and strategies• Strategies and Design Principles to Minimize Negative Side-effects of Digital Motivation on Teamwork
- Abdullah Algashami, Alimohammad Shahri, John McAlaney, Jacqui Taylor, Keith Phalp, and Raian Ali
• Investigation of Social Predictors of Competitive Behavior in Persuasive Technology
- Kiemute Oyibo and Julita Vassileva
• Perceived Effectiveness, Credibility and Continuance Intention in E-commerce. A Study of Amazon
- Ifeoma Adaji and Julita Vassileva
17.20-18.00Paper session - Personality, personalization and persuasion• Deconstructing Pokémon Go – An Empirical Study on Player Personality Characteristics
- Elke Mattheiss, Christina Hochleitner, Marc Busch, Rita Orji, and Manfred Tscheligi
• Personal Shopping Assistant: A Personalized Solution for Health-Conscious Grocery Shoppers
- Chokdee Siawsolit, Sarun Seepun, Jennifer Choi, An Do, and Yu Kao
19.00-23.00Conference dinner

Preliminary program